USB-TTL/USB-STC-ISP driver setup

"Interfacing ESP32 with 16x2 & 20x4 LCD Displays" esp32 lcd Bangls

Interfacing ESP32 with 16x2 & 20x4 LCD Displays

 Learn how to interface your ESP32 microcontroller with 16x2 and 20x4 LCD displays for efficient display of data and information. Discover the simple steps to programming and connecting an ESP32 with an LCD display and build your next project with ease.

1. Circuit diagram
Circuit Data,:-SCL===22 ; SDA==21; VCC==5v; GND ==GND;.

MORE Details in This Video

2.Download LiquidCrystal-I2C-library   (click here)

3. I2c lcd Module address
Two type of I2C Module address
As below screenshot. You can edit according to your model.

4. Choose your LCD display model........

   Two type of  LCD display model

A. --16x2


How to Edit display code:-

A.---  EditCode for (16x2)

B.---  EditCode for (20x4)

3. Project code
